ooRexx with BSF4ooRexx – “java,net.URL” Classes (2_getinfo.rxj)

/* ***************************************************************************** */
/* This is just a short example of implementing the  "java,net.URL" classes      */
/* using BSF4ooRexx                                                              */   
/* created by Martin Stoppacher    26.12.2009                                    */
/* ***************************************************************************** */

say hello this reads a syndfeed
say please type in the url
url= "http://rss.orf.at/fm4.xml"

f=.bsf~new("java.net.URL", url) /* creating a java url object with the above url */

say f~getAuthority()                      /* gets the authority part of this URL */
say f~getDefaultPort()           /* gets the default port number of the protocol */
                                                     /* associated with this URL */
say f~getPort()                              /* gets the port number of this URL */
say f~getFile()                                /* gets the file name of this URL */
say f~getHost()                 /* gets the host name of this URL, if applicable */
say f~getProtocol()                        /* gets the protocol name of this URL */
say f~getQuery()                              /* gets the query part of this URL */
say f~hashCode()          /* creates an integer suitable for hash table indexing */

::requires BSF.cls                            /* get the Java support for ooRexx */

Martin Stoppacher: