Audio file conversion with afconvert (mac)

I was looking for a simple and elegant way to convert a high amount of audio files from one format (.caf) to another (.aif). The solution i found is a very elegant one and also comes included with your operating system – if using a MAC.

afconvert -f AIFF -d BEI24@48000 "Wow Bass 03.caf" "Wow Bass 03.aif"

And now here is the most amazing part. It is super easy to execute the conversion of multiple files by just one command line.

for i in *.caf; do afconvert -f AIFF -d BEI24@48000 "$i" "${i%.caf}.aif"; done

or to run through subdirectories:

for d in */ ; do cd $d; pwd; cd ..; done
for d in */ ; do cd $d; for i in *.caf; do echo *caf; pwd; done; cd ..; done;
for d in */ ; do cd $d; for i in *.caf; do afconvert -f AIFF -d BEI24@48000 "$i" "${i%.caf}.aif"; done; cd ..; done

or with recursion by using find:

find -name "*.caf"
find . -type f -iname '*.caf' -print | while read -r name; do cp "$name" "/.../..."; done
find . -type f -iname '*.caf' -print | while read -r name; do afconvert -f AIFF -d BEI24@48000 "$name" "/Volumes/Daten/Logic/test/${name%.*}.aif"; done

Key linear PCM format
LE Little Endian
BE Big Endian
F Floating point
I Integer
UI Unsigned integer
8/16/24/32/64 Number of bits

Number of bits Information Size
8 256
16 65536
24 16777216
32 4294967296
64 18446744073709551616

afconvert -hf
Audio file and data formats: data_formats:
‘3gpp’ = 3GP Audio (.3gp) ‘Qclp’ ‘aac ‘ ‘aace’ ‘aach’ ‘aacl’ ‘aacp’ ‘samr’
‘3gp2’ = 3GPP-2 Audio (.3g2) Qclp’ ‘aac ‘ ‘aace’ ‘aach’ ‘aacl’ ‘aacp’ ‘samr’
‘adts’ = AAC ADTS (.aac, .adts) ‘aac ‘ ‘aach’ ‘aacp’
‘ac-3’ = AC3 (.ac3) ‘ac-3’
‘AIFC’ = AIFC (.aifc, .aiff, .aif) I8 BEI16 BEI24 BEI32 BEF32 BEF64 UI8 ‘ulaw’ ‘alaw’ ‘MAC3’ ‘MAC6’ ‘ima4’ ‘QDMC’ ‘QDM2’ ‘Qclp’ ‘agsm’
‘AIFF’ = AIFF (.aiff, .aif) I8 BEI16 BEI24 BEI32
‘amrf’ = AMR (.amr) ‘samr’
‘m4af’ = Apple MPEG-4 Audio (.m4a, .m4r) ‘aac ‘ ‘aace’ ‘aach’ ‘aacl’ ‘aacp’ ‘alac’
‘caff’ = CAF (.caf) ‘.mp1’ ‘.mp2’ ‘.mp3’ ‘QDM2’ ‘QDMC’ ‘Qclp’ ‘Qclq’ ‘aac ‘ ‘aace’ ‘aach’ ‘aacl’ ‘aacp’ ‘alac’ ‘alaw’ ‘dvi8’ ‘ilbc’ ‘ima4’ I8 BEI16 BEI24 BEI32 BEF32 BEF64 LEI16 LEI24 LEI32 LEF32 LEF64 ‘ms\x00\x02’ ‘ms\x00\x11’ ‘ms\x001’ ‘paac’ ‘samr’ ‘ulaw’
‘MPG1’ = MPEG Layer 1 (.mp1, .mpeg, .mpa) ‘.mp1’
‘MPG2’ = MPEG Layer 2 (.mp2, .mpeg, .mpa) ‘.mp2’
‘MPG3’ = MPEG Layer 3 (.mp3, .mpeg, .mpa) ‘.mp3’
‘mp4f’ = MPEG-4 Audio (.mp4) data_formats: ‘aac ‘ ‘aace’ ‘aach’ ‘aacl’ ‘aacp’
‘NeXT’ = NeXT/Sun (.snd, .au) I8 BEI16 BEI24 BEI32 BEF32 BEF64 ‘ulaw’
‘Sd2f’ = Sound Designer II (.sd2) I8 BEI16 BEI24 BEI32
‘WAVE’ = WAVE (.wav) UI8 LEI16 LEI24 LEI32 LEF32 LEF64 ‘ulaw’ ‘alaw’

Martin Stoppacher: